Toward Next-Gen Content:
The Multiverse Tale

White paper

In our white paper, Toward Next-Gen Content: The Multiverse Tale, we explore the transformative trends shaping the future of content creation, where the digital and physical worlds converge to form a vibrant multiverse.

From the emergence of digital doubles and virtual influencers to the rise of conversational AI avatars, our exploration begins with the virtualization of identities and interactions. We uncover how multiplayer online games and virtual events redefine social networks, while virtual worlds offer new roads for cultural expression and economic activity.

At the heart of this evolution lies the 5G revolution, powering seamless connectivity and enabling the all-cloud era. With new architectures and business models, 5G catalyzes a shift towards on-the-go content consumption and immersive experiences, setting the stage for unprecedented innovation.

Although the first metaverse proposals may seem disappointing, they hold out the promise of extraordinary social interactions and the magic of serendipity, if we rethink storytelling frameworks and business models.



Marie Jourdren, Antoine Cardon